Choplifter Snes

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Play Choplifter III - Rescue Survive Nintendo Super NES game online for free in your browser. No download required. Choplifter II, subtitled 'Rescue Survive,' was released for the Game Boy (1991), then remade for both the Game Boy and Game Gear as Choplifter III in 1994. An unrelated Choplifter III was released for Super NES. Play Choplifter III online. Choplifter III is a fantastic Super Nintendo game. Have fun playing SNES games online using our flash emulator. Play Choplifter III for SNES.
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Choplifter was in the first wave of video games during the Golden Age of Gaming (which included such classics as, and ), and it was the precursor to. This side-scrolling continuation is fast and addictive! Blades of Bitterness In Choplifter III, you must complete various missions, all of which involve gathering a specified number of U.N.. You set out in a chopper, armed with a machine gun, but you pick up various projectiles like Scatter Bombs, Air-to-Air Missiles, and Anti-Tank Missiles.
You go up against Tanks, Bazooka Fire, Surface-to-Air Missiles, and other choppers. The graphics in Choplifter III are beautiful and varied. Desert campaigns, jungle missions, and urban warfare are all nicely represented. Although the chopper itself is small, you face some giant bosses. The sounds are all death and destruction, fitting right into this game.
There are no real rockin' explosions, though. You can hear muffled rotor noise, but enemy death screeches would've been more effective. Take It for a Spin The controls are tricky until you get used to them.
You can't obliterate your own people (a change from the original), so the challenge is in getting from place to place alive and avoiding the enemy. You'll be addicted to the game play in no time, and this fast, great-looking game shouldn't be overlooked by fans of /.
There's more here than meets the rotors, and Choplifter III lives up to its predecessor. • Manufacturer: Extreme • # of players: 1 • Difficulty: Moderate • Available: January 1994 • Number of Levels: 16 • Theme: Action Terrorism is running rampant. The Maghreb guerrilla force - known as the N.W.L. Terrorist faction - has secretly accomplished a midnight raid on four strategic Allied peace-keeping strongholds along the Megrehbian border. Many citizens were lost during the struggle, and some were taken hostage for use as human shields for the N.W.L. To deter any U.N. Throughout the missions, you have to pick up the hostages and return them to your homebase while avoiding hard-core enemies.