Download Heroine Carnival English Patch

(Something wrong with hyperlinks?) Game: Patch: CHANGES: (Didn't really keep track XD but here are some major ones) -Changes to some terms seems to not carry over when updating. For example 'Force Wait' has been changed to 'Stun'. Any character with 'Force Wait' Won't reload the skill and thus the effect won't happen.
You either have to delete the character and pick up a new one generated by the guild or Start new game (If Story characters have the skill). I tried to do some coding to fix it but I got too lazy/no time. Manual Para Control Universal Sony Rm-v302 here. -New characters(3 from the Chinese hard patch, 2 originals) and Roster Coding. THE SPECIAL(STAR) ROSTER CAN NOW BE RELOADED.
So be careful. Example: You put the code for Reimu.

Level her up/Give her skills/etc. Then you put the code for Reimu again. A new level 1 Reimu will replace your current one. I used this to 'Reload' certain characters when I was coding.
Jun 17, 2013 (Something wrong with hyperlinks?) Game: www.mediafire. Virtuallab 5 Crack more. com/download/02y242vb61rsuf7/Japanese_Heroine_Carnival.rar Patch:
But I felt that it was okay to leave it there. Here are the codes for the All Special Characters: Gran - AGF27yuR Athena - 5KpQGGbs Amaterasu - T1hHxZ35 Reiso - LMn84WEe Chi You - VC9jMhhd Fafnir - 669SIUd3 Reimu Hakurei - S445Qhj8 Marisa Kirisame - 1UsD4F7R Brunhild - J2dCa8Xk Chaos - KIj2s6Ds Aertisilks - C4Dgjt1z Jack - Jack Haru - Haru Jack and Haru are outside characters. I was messing with the Special Roster when stuff happened. They're aren't very good but they provide some good laughs. Character Art provided by Aetheory ().