Ellis Elementary Sunnyvale After School Program

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Discover all the facts about Ellis Elementary School and its. It is to work at Ellis Elementary School in the Sunnyvale Elementary. Program School. Child Care and Afterschool Enrichment. YMCA child care is a great place for children before and after school. Ellis Elementary 550 E. Sunnyvale, CA.

The teachers and staff are great and very encouraging to the students. My son has gone here for the past three years and I am highly satisfied with the education he is getting. The class population is very diverse, a reflection of Silicon Valley, and the International Festival was a lot of fun and well run. The neighborhood is nice and safe and I like that a lot of kids walk to school here. The school reinforces the kids to be thoughtful and kind and the Cornerstone Project is a bonus. I am glad that my son is in the school.

I wish that it included a middle school. -submitted by parent. It's really ashamed how the school has not been taken care of in the last 2 years, because they don't want to spend any money. The areas where our kids eat are filthy, the cafeteria is completely run down and old, and they haven't painted or power washed the outside area where our children play or the bathrooms since last year. Zeljko Joksimovic Arena Rapidshare more. It is a good thing that we have a great teacher for our son, otherwise he would be going elsewhere. It is unnecessary and not acceptable for a child's school to be run down, especially when us parents are always contributing funds in one way or another. -submitted by parent.

I have two students currently enrolled at this school, a 3rd grader and Kindergartner. In general, our experience with this school has been mostly positive. My 3rd grader has had some wonderful teachers, including the current teacher. With my 3rd grader, I have seen great academic growth and continue to do so. In general the Kindergarten team is a strong one, but some are stronger than others. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that my Kindergartner has one of the stronger, more enthusiastic teachers at the school. I think the principal is an effective leader and advocate of the student population, very personable and available.

After School Program San Antonio

While he may be the head of the school, the teachers are the heart and soul of this school. Overall, this school is only as good as the teacher your student/s get/s. -submitted by parent.

Ellis Elementary Sunnyvale After School Program

Precio Software Punto De Venta. I can't say enough about how great it is to work at Ellis Elementary School in the Sunnyvale Elementary School District. Panosian, our principal as of last Fall, has all the qualities of a great principal. One of his priorities is the incorporation of technology at each grade level, and because of this, Ellis is meeting the needs of its students to get them ready for middle school.

The staff is friendly and works well together and the office staff is always willing to help us with our requests. Our PTO is run by a wonderful group of parents and has fundraisers to provide our students with arts related activities including tickets to local theatre productions and several art lessons throughout the school year, among other things. Any parent would be lucky to have their child attend Ellis. -submitted by teacher. Hi Everyone, My first kid had a very nice time since kinder,now she is in 5th grade.I have seen lot of improvement in her studies, activities,life skills, social skills,understanding the topics,individuality. The teachers are excellent,supportive, helping, encouraging, understanding and more like a friend, in all stages. We have seen ups and downs in the school by changing of teachers and changing of principals.

The Teachers are so good that they don't burden the kids, they give very less work that can be done with in 30 minutes to 1 hour. I am even getting registration done for my second kid. He will be going for kindergarten. The teacher respond to parents when they want help or any type of questions. Since K- 5 I have been getting very nice response and hospitality from staff people.

The Students after leaving ELLIS they still remember their teachers and they contact them. They say that they are really proud to be one os the ELLIS ELEMENTARY students. I wish ELLIS SCHOOL to get more ratting and good API SCORE and a BRIGHT FUTURE. Thanks for seeing this review.Have a great time at ELLIS SCHOOL. -submitted by parent. This school used to have a great reputation of being caring & compassionate until recently when the new Principal was hired. I have heard parents complain about situations that have occurred with their children that have gone un-resolved and swept under the rug because he doesn't care to handle the issues.