Install Oracle Database 11g Express Edition On Windows 7 X64

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I’ve been working with the Oracle Express Edition for 32 bit environments for long, as it is easy to have the features of an Oracle Enterprise Database without the need of installing it. However installing the Oracle Express Edition (XE) on a 64 bit is not always successful. You can get you XE work on your first installation itself if you know the trick. Oracle has not provided a separate installer of Oracle XE 11g for 64 bit, but you can download the 32 bit version and install on the 64 bit operating system. Follow the tricks below for a successful installation of Oracle XE.

Disable Windows Firewall / any other firewall in your system. Unplug the network cable.

Oracle Database

Feb 27, 2012 Here’s the Oracle Database 11g Express Edition step-by-step installation on Window 7 64-bit. C9350nd Drivers. Tower And Hive Series. Please bear in mind Oracle provides only.

Run the installer and complete the setup. Open command prompt, and execute hostname command to get the name of the system where you are installing. Assume the command produces “MySystem” as output. Navigate to: oraclexe app oracle product 11.2.0 server network ADMIN folder. Makesure that the host name from Step 4 matches the entry in the tnsnames.ora file found under the folder.

The tns entry should like the following: XE = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = MySystem)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = XE) ) ) Thats is it. WOLA!!! You have made it. Your installation of Oracle XE is successful. You can plug your network cable back on, and enable the firewall.

I often wonder why some things can be made so difficult for users. People consistently tell me that has long as Oracle is involved, installation is going to be a pain. Baby Shaker Ipa Link on this page. But some things never change. Anyway, I figured that most Windows 7 64bit machine users would face this error when they attempt to install the Oracle Database XE 11g. “The installer is unable to instantiate the file C: Users KEY_XE.reg. This file does not appear to exist.” Fear not my fellow homo sapiens.

Just follow these steps and rejoice. With the error message box still open, click the Windows start button and type “regedit” in the search box. The registry editor will open. On the left column, expand the folders as follows: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ->Installer ->Products ->266B7A. ->SourceList->Media 3. Look for ‘1’ under Name on the right column.