Marketing Activation Definition
How can the answer be improved? Brand activation and its role in driving consumer engagement and awareness. Using activation strategies. Brand activation is the future of marketing. Brand Activation is a marketing discipline, and is a relatively new term in the industry. Brand Activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand.
What is Brandactivation? The definition: Brand Activation is the seamless integration of all available communication means in a creative platform in order to activate consumers. Activation means stimulating: • intrest • trial • loyalty New communication means are being introduced every year.
It is clearly evident from this list of means that the marketing communication is a profession for well-trained specialists. PR, DM, Website, E-mail, Telephone, Print, Radio, TV, Outdoor advertising, Events, Retail, Brochure, Mobile, SP, Incentives, PS, Fairs, Spectaculars, Sponsoring, JP, Design, IC, TM, etc. Opportunity: Most marketers are rigid and non-commercial McKinsey published a report about the marketing profession, from which the following conclusions were drawn: • The reputation of marketers is at an all time low • Marketers are described by CEOs as undisciplined, non-commercial and rigid. • 80% of the marketing plans is unsuccessful This is great news for marketers that are commercial, are not rigid and are prepared to innovate. This creates opportunities. The McKinsey advice: shift the focus from the sales process to the buying process!

From Advertising Brands to Brand activation Power to the People. This is the best way to describe the turnaround in marketing communication during the last 30 years. People have more choice than ever. They can get the products anywhere and can compare products and services down to the minute details.

This requires a more intelligent manner of communication by companies. Simply advertising can be used to defend a market position in many cases, however, this creates no leeway for growth. And that is the aim after all. The successful marketer then has to leave the safe haven of advertising and start activating. The means are available, the cases are there, the opportunities are there and the chances are there.
And the good news is: more than 80% of the marketers is rigid and resistant to change, therefore there are plenty of opportunities to beat the competitors. Why Brand activation Activation shifts the focus to the core of marketing: stimulating the buying process. There are various reasons why this focus is so important and why advertisers opt for Brand activation instead of the traditional campaigns. Brand activation addresses the key issues in marketing. Information selection People filter the communication means they are confronted with. They simply ignore the majority of it.
Relevance Informing becomes communicating as soon as the message is relevant to the recipient. Jorgensen Miter Saw Manual there. On account of the complete irrelevance of many advertisements, the Dutch people claim that they are more annoyed about advertising than pointless violence.