Rns 510 Firmware

I was starting to find the maps on my RNS 510 were getting a bit out of date, after all I had never updated it since I purchased the car in 2009. I also read that newer versions of firmware also provided additional features, bug fixes and performance improvements, obviously! So I started doing a lot of googling and reading and found a wealth of information spread all over the place about how to upgrade both the firmware and maps on the RNS 510.
Sep 30, 2015 I was starting to find the maps on my RNS 510 were getting a bit out of date, after all I had never updated it since I purchased the car in 2009. Sales And Marketing Manual. Proceed at your own risk. I take no responsibility. Firmware 1140 Update for RNS-510: US-SW1140 File name: US_RNS-510_SW1140.iso File description: US RNS-510 SW1140. I have a new 2010 Tiguan SEL with the RNS-510 radio/nav system. There is a newer nav system firmware available with additional features (voice, photo) that was to.
So having successfully updated both the firmware and maps on my unit I thought I would write a guide to summarise, in one place, how I did it. First I will describe how I did the firmware upgrade, then I will move on to how I updated the maps. Determine which revision of hardware/firmware you are running There are various different versions of RNS 510 along with multiple different versions of firmware, so it seemed like a good first step was to work out what I had. You can find out the specific hardware revision by a) taking the unit out of the dash and looking for the part number or b) using a secret hidden menu. I opted for the second option, I really didn’t want to have to pull the unit out.