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Moderator Registered: Posts: 1,584 Posted The good news is Podium 1.7.3 will work on SketchUp 8 Windows and Mac. As far our tests go, there's no compatibility issues. Google has only added to the application interface. (Good news for developers).
Avast 7 Keys. The bad news is you do need to reinstall Podium 1.7.3. Windows is easy. Mac is a little more complicated. Windows - simply resintall and make sure that the installation location is program files (x86) google google sketchup 8 Mac - there are a couple of things you need to do manually until the install program is rebuilt. First off - go to the Registered user area and download SU Podium 1.7.3b for the Mac.
(If you don't have an account, create one). Close SketchUp. Install this program. This installs Podium in system-wide location, MacIntosh HD /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/plugins/ b.
Next go to MacIntosh HD /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 7/SketchUp/plugins/ and copy the podium_load.rbs file and the Podium.Bundle file to MacIntosh HD /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 8/SketchUp/plugins/ Then you are good to go. We should have a Mac install update in a couple of days.