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First person shooters have ruled PC gaming for years and each year a new crop of games blows us away with state of the art graphics and game play. So if you're looking for some top first person shooters that can't miss this is where you'll want to start.
The list of top first person shooters that follows include some of the most popular and highly rated shooters that have been released over the past few years. It includes games from a wide variety of themes/settings such as Post Apocalyptic, World War II, Modern Military and Sci-Fi to name a few. If you're looking for other great games be sure to check out our list of, and. Image from the upcoming Doom 4 - A game that's going to require the most from your graphics card. © Bethesda Softworks is a reboot of one of the most popular and well know video game franchises and is the first release in the Doom franchise since 2004.
Like it's predecessors, it is a sci-fi horror based first person shooters that puts players into the role of a nameless marine who has been sent to Mars to fight off demonic forces from Hell before they make their way to Earth. The game includes a single player story mode as well as competitive multiplayer modes. The single players story puts a lot of emphasis on moving fast unleashing a lot of firepower to deal with all of the enemies. Players will start in the research facilities of the Union Aerospace Corporation and then make their ways into the depths of Hell to uncover the source.
The game also re-introduces players to famous and popular weapons such as the BFG9000 and chain saw. The multiplayer portion of the game includes six modes and nine multiplayer maps at the time of its release. Doom also features SnapMap which allows for players to create and edit their own maps. Since its release in May 2016, Doom has received highly positive reviews with most critics praising the depth of story in the single player mode and its high paced, non-stop action. The multiplayer portion has received average to mixed reviews with not a lot game play that makes it stand apart from the numerous other. Is a multiplayer first person shooter from Blizzard Entertainment that features team squad based combat.
Players select a hero to play with each having unique roles and ability. Game play consists of four different modes that are team co-op based. Released in 2016, Overwatch is the first new game franchise from Blizzzard since the release of the original StarCraft back in 1998. It has quickly become one of the most popular and critically acclaimed games of 2016. It's pretty easy to. Teams in Overwatch consist of two six player teams with each hero type design to have a different role on the team. Upon release there are 21 heroes for players to choose from that cover four different hero roles; Offense, Defense, Support and Tank.
These are similar to roles found in MOBA games such as, and League of Legends. As players progress they will gain experience from matches won and lost. This experience is used to level and allow players to earl Loot Boxes which contain random cosmetic items, for use in game.