Xampp 1.7.2 For Windows Xp Vista 32 64 Bit
Hi all: I see this thread is not recent but as I'm attempting the same thing as dziggy, maybe you can help. You say you managed to get your test site running by simply installing Microsoft's WPI. 123 Flash Chat 7.8. I assume you simply installed the Microsoft WPI (latest version ) and then installed drupal 6.19? The steps listed on the help page for setting up a test site don't mention the MS WPI (just XAMPP, WAMPSERVER 2, etc) but the MS WPI isn't listed so I'm not sure whether simply installing MS WPI and then DRUPAL 6.19 will be sufficient, or if there's need of some other software?

(anything special to consider for a machine running Windows 7 64-bits OS?) thanks, • or to post comments. XAMPP will work on Windows 7 (64-bit), because that's what I use. How To Install Radius Server In Windows 2008 there. Here are the steps to install it: 1. Download the ZIP file instead of the the EXE file, and save it to your 'Downloads' folder. Using 7-zip, or WinRAR, or WinZip, or whatever compression tool you prefer, right-click on the xampp-win32-1.7.x.zip file and select 'Extract here' it doesn't matter where you downloaded the ZIP file to, it will create a new folder called 'xampp' and extract all contents within it.
Old Version of XAMPP for Windows XP. Supported Systems Legacy OS support. Windows 98, NT, Me, 2000, XP, Vista (32-bit & 64-bit) License. How to install XAMPP 1 7 2 For. How to install xampp in windows 7 64 bit step. HOW TO INSTALL.
After extracting the ZIP file, move the newly created 'xampp' folder from 'Downloads' to 'C: ' Note: It MUST be in a top-level directory such as 'C: ', NOT within another folder such as 'C: Program Files (x86).' Next, go to 'Start >Control Panel >User Accounts,' and turn off the User Account Control (UAC). This will cause problems if left turned on. If you aren't familiar with how to do this, there are plenty of tutorials on the web to show you how. Now, navigate to 'C: xampp' and right-click 'xampp-control.exe' and in the dialog pop up select: 'Send to >Desktop (create shortcut)' 6. Double-click on the new XAMPP Control Desktop shortcut which opens up the XAMPP Control Panel Application. There you will see a column of 'Start' buttons, select the one for MySQL and the one for Apache.
You should now see a green 'Running' indicator. Open up your Web Browser, and type in in which you should be presented with the XAMPP splash screen. • or to post comments. Which version of XAMPP are you using, and are you using one of the.ZIP files or one of the.EXE files? If you are trying to use the latest version of XAMPP, there may be some issues with it running on Win 7 that I am unaware of. If you are wanting to use XAMPP as a test server to do all your development on before uploading to a hosted server, chances are that the hosting company isn't using the latest version of PHP anyway, which isn't a bad thing. They're probably using something like PHP version 5.2.9.
In that case, you will want to use an older version of XAMPP such as (which is what I use). You can also get to the older versions of XAMPP by the following link: I hope this helps • or to post comments. There are a couple of reasons why I choose to use XAMPP as opposed to WAMP or Acquia Drupal, and probably the most important reason is the fact that XAMPP is developed for pretty much all platforms; Mac, Win, Linux, and *NIX.
Subterranean Masquerade Suspended Animation Dreams. For instance, there are times when I'll have a Linux box that I'm working on, and it only makes sense to keep with something I already know, and XAMPP provides that. No need to worry about a different environment when switching from one OS to another. Another reason is that it more closely resembles my ISP's servers and how they're configured. Because let's face it, having a test environment that is very similar to the live environment that your site is being built for, is EXTREMELY crucial if you want the best results of your efforts.
And ultimately, after using XAMPP for as long as I have, it's actually quite easy to work in. So, for those of you who are curious, and wonder why I don't use one of the other Win-related *A.M.P. Type servers, I hope this answers your questions. • or to post comments. Scott1137, I had the same problem loading Drupal (v7.7) into XAMPP The extraction utility writes a drupal sub-directory and buries the files one level too deep to be found if you also specify a drupal sub-directory. You get this: c: xampp htdocs drupal drupal 'extracted files' and Apache won't start!
FIX IT by moving the 'extracted files' up the directory tree a notch by extracting the file to C: xampp htdocs to create a single Drupal sub-directory like C: xamps htdocs drupal 'extracted files' and Apache starts! Hope this Helps! Athebruce • or to post comments.
XAMPP Downloads for Windows 10 XAMPP free download is an application that is created and developed for professionals. It is mainly to serve the purpose of creating databases and be a manager of one’s own website. It was created and developed by the Apache Friends.