Arthakranti Proposal Pdf
Arthakranti Proposal (All Taxes and Duties of Central,State and Local body Government except customs or import duties which functions as International Trade Balancer. Sep 20, 2011 Best Proposal Ever - BOLLYWOOD STYLE at Harvard - Duration: 3:44. Anywhere Gps Tracker Manual. Address by Anil Bokil, Member (Arthakranti Sansthan) - Duration: 54:10.
This message is doing the rounds on Whatsapp - seems interesting - what does think of this? Is it implementable? Pros and cons? Mr.Anil Bokil, one of the key member of Arthakranti Sansthan was given time to share to PM Modi before recent election. He was given 9min for sharing but Mr.Modi heard him for 2 hrs Arthakranti Proposal What is Arthakranti Proposal and who hasgiven the proposal?
“Arthakranti Proposal” has been given by a Pune (Maharashtra) based “Arthakranti Sansthan” which is an Economic Advisory body constituted by a group of Chartered Accountants and Engineers. This funda has been patented by the Sansthan Arthakranti Proposal is an effective and guaranteed solution of Black Money Generation, Price rise and Inflation, Corruption, Fiscal Deficit, Unemployment, Ransom, GDP and industrial growth, terrorism and good governance What is in the Proposal? “Arthakranti Proposal has FIVE point of actions simultaneously (1) Scrap all 56 Taxes including income tax excluding import duty (2) Recall and scrap high denomination currencies of 1000, 500 and 100 rupees (3) All high value transaction to be made only through banking system like cheque, DD, online and electronic (4) Fix limit of cash transaction and no taxing on cash transaction (5) For Govt. Pretty much this. When I read the part about making large transactions bank only, in the other thread, the first thing i thought of was, people are just going to use other forms of currency. Foreign, gold, crypto etc.
AnilBokil,oneofthekeymemberofArthakrantiSansthanwasgiventimetoshareto PMModi.Hewasgiven9minforsharingbutMrModiheardhimfor2hrs. PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www. Malwarebytes Anti-malware V1 35 (clean) on this page. Documents Similar To ArthaKranti Proposal. Skip carousel. Carousel previous carousel next.
What do you think happens to the rupee then? Like communism, this is an idea that depends upon people not being smart/selfish, i.e. Disconnected from reality. EDIT - Don't read into the BJP bashing in that link. The author is quite anti-Modi, even if his points make sense.
I'm completely clueless when it comes to these things. Why is getting rid of large denominations a bad idea? Can you help me understand why it shouldn't done? For whatever reason, US seems to have discontinued it. (All copied from wiki) US stopped printing high denomination notes ($500, $1000, $10,000, $100,000) by '45 and the federal reserve discontinued it in '69 by taking it out of circulation after an executive order by Nixon. All this happened long before electronic money came in. I read this demolition, and one part intrigued me.
It said, FTT in Argentina failed, when it was introduced in addition to other prevailing taxes. I am curious. Lets say this 2% thing is done, and other taxes vanish.
Will foreign investment say. We do not want to pay 2% so we will go to other countries and deal with VAT/Excise/Income tax and import duties and stuff? I agree with many arguments of the rebuttal, but this argument of companies fleeing does not hold water.