Peoplesoft Unable To Email The Sqr Report

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The Process Scheduler Request page enables you to submit a job or process to run. This page is commonly integrated into applications to support process requests that you make from a PeopleSoft application by clicking Run. When you click Run, the Process Scheduler Request page appears, showing all of the jobs and processes that you have the security to run. The Process Scheduler Request page enables you to specify variables, such as where a process runs and in what format the process output is generated. You can set: • Server name. • Run date, run time, and time zone.

Sqr Peoplebooks

• Recurrence. • Output type. • Output format. • Output destination. • Distribution.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Scheduler Request page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page. Field or Control Definition Server Name Select the name of the server on which you want the process to run.

PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Engineering - Version 9.2 and laterError '. (0,17,0)' when Running the 'ECO Report' SQR Report (EGS1000) with the 'Print Text' Option. How can I make psmail run with success? The SQR report was. Same email address as that configured in the email server. PeopleSoft needs to know where to. 'Hi, I want to send the SQR Report as an email attachment to specific= users. How do I accomplish this. One way I know is to set the Distribution List when running. Access Denied, Unable to Post Files(s). ('SQR Report'. Documents Similar To Process Scheduler Issues.

Recurrence Select the recurring time intervals for the process to run. For example, to run a process every weekday at 5:00 p.m., select the predefined recurrence definition M-F at 5pm. Time Zone Select the time zone in which the process will run. For example, you might be in Eastern Standard Time (EST) and schedule a process to run in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Run Date Select the date on which you want the process to run. Run Time Select the time when you want the process to run.

Reset to Current Date/Time Click to reset the run date and time to the present date and time. Select Select a job or process to run. You can select multiple jobs and processes. Anyring Cracked.

Description Identifies a process or job. Atlas Thieme. Jobs are listed as links.

Click the link to display the Job Detail page, which shows all of the individual processes and jobs that are associated with the selected main job. Process Name and Process Type Identifies the name and type (such as COBOL or Crystal) of the process as it appears in the process or job definition.

Type Select the output type for this job or process. An output type that is selected for a process at the process definition level overwrites the output type, and the output type drop-down list box becomes unavailable. An output type that is selected for a job at the main job level carries through to the job items. An output type that is selected for individual job items overwrites the output type that is entered for the parent job. Output type for an BI Publisher report is set at the report definition level. Options set at that level may render the output type drop-down list box unavailable. File: Writes the output to the file that you indicate in the Output Destination field.

Note: For PS/nVision, the Output Destination must contain the full path and the name of the file. Printer: Sends the output to a printer.